Conductor Ken-ichiro Kobayashi Awarded the 77th Imperial Prize and Japan Art Academy Prize!
Conductor Ken-ichiro Kobayashi (80 years old) was awarded the 77 th Imperial Prize and the Japan Art Academy Prize for his outstanding contribution to the development and international transmission of the musical culture in Japan throughout his musical career mainly as conductor. His major contribution in educational aspect and being an excellent role model as musician were also appreciated.
・The Japan Art Academy
⇒ https://www.geijutuin.go.jp/index.php?action_Info_Detail=1&ni=99 (Japanese)
・Biography of Ken-ichiro Kobayashi
⇒ https://www.japanarts.co.jp/en/artist/ken-ichirokobayashi/
・Artist’s Photos of Ken-ichiro Kobayashi
⇒ https://www.japanarts.co.jp/en/artist/ken-ichirokobayashi/?=photo