[공연 중지]고바야시 겐이치로(小林研一郎) 지휘 헝가리국립필하모니관현악단
- オーケストラ
チケット詳細Ticket Information
How to Purchase Tickets
- WEB … Tickets can be purchased either by phone or online.
- TEL … Japan Arts Pia Call Center: 0570-00-1212
(Open 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. daily, except in the New Year holiday period) ※To order from the call center, you must be able to provide a mailing address in Japan or pick up the tickets at a convenience store in Japan.
残席あり / × 売り切れ
Please read the following link before purchasing tickets.
2020.11.13(금) 19:00
- 말러 : 교향곡 제2번 다단조 「부활」
2020.11.16(월) 19:00
- 베토벤:「에그몬트」 서곡
- 브루흐:바이올린협주곡 제1번 사단조 Op. 26 (바이올린:센주 마리코(千住真理子))
- 베토벤:교향곡 제7번 가장조 Op. 92
- Presented by
- Japan Arts
- Supported by
- Embassy of Hungary in Japan
- Cooperate with
- Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre